9296Preliminary works,Non Destructive Testing, Hydro testing and certification of 3 x 600 MT Mounded Storage Vessels and hydro testing of LPG Pipelines at Thimmapur BP
Hyderabad - Andhra Pradesh
Contract Value :
20.80 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9299Providing Intelligence and Ancillary activities during day and night in KA/KS/ SMPL ROW under Navagam jurisdiction and during day in KA/KS/SMPL ROW under Koyali jurisdiction in the state of Gujarat.
Rajkot - Gujarat
Contract Value :
1.90 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9300Providing Intelligence and Ancillary activities during day and night in KA/KS/ SMPL ROW under Navagam jurisdiction and during day in KA/KS/SMPL ROW under Koyali jurisdiction in the state of Gujarat.
Vadodara - Gujarat
Contract Value :
1.90 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited