9753Annual Maintenance Contract for Industronic make paging system of DHDT/HGU-II /MSQ / TPS-GT-3 HRSG unit / FCC / CRU and SRU plant of Mathura Refinery.
Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
17.10 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9755JC18MLT371 Assistance for office shifting/ material movement, Printing from SAP, office record keeping jobs and other misc. services of office boy for temporary shutdown offices during forthcoming shutdowns slated in 2019 20 at Gujarat Refinery.
Vadodara - Gujarat
Contract Value :
12.12 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9757Engagement of Skilled and Highly Skilled Worker for Assistance, Various Miscellaneous Jobs in Contract Cell Deptt and GM (Security)-NE, at Guwahati Refinery.
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
56.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9758Installation/fixing of CPVC pipe and pipe fitting and dismantling of carbon steel/ alloy steel piping by hot work (insulated/ uninsulated)at DM plant of Guwahati Refinery.
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
8.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9760CCE Approved Inspection Agency for NDT Inspection, Hydro Testing and Certification of 4 nos. of Liq Nitrogen Vessels, 2 nos. of LPG Bullets, 1 no Horton Sphere and Testing of Safety Valves As Per SMPV Rules at Guwahati Refinery.
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
10.27 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited