192Construction of GO's living accommodation, OR's living accommodation, Ration and Clothing Store, Training Shed, Toilet Block and Installation of 02 Nos Portable Silence DG Set at BOP Ghora 31st BN ITBP.
Itanagar - Arunachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.40 Crore |Agency Name :
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force
195C/o Coy. office with Ops Room, SO's living accommodation, Training shed, Toilet Block and Installation of 02 Nos. Portable Silence DG Sets with complete accessories at BOP Huri 31st BN ITBP. (SH: C/o Coy. office with Ops Room, SO's living accommodation, Training shed, and Toilet Block).
Papumpare - Arunachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
80.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force