24Construction of catch water Drain and yard Drain between Kharsia (Km0.00) to Korichhapar (Km45.0) including Bhalumuda yard in spur line (Gharghgoda to Bhalumuda) in connection with construction of East Corridor from Kharsia
Dharamjaigarh - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
21.16 Crore |Agency Name :
Ircon International Limited
26Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of feeding post at New Katni Junction ( near NKJ/SSP) in Katni-Singrauli section of doubling Project under West Central Railway.
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
1.48 Crore |Agency Name :
Ircon International Limited
27Manual Linking of BG Track and Turn outs, including dismantling BG-MG track, carting and stacking of new and released materials, Spreading of Ballast and PSC Sleepers, Supply and spreading of Stone dust and other associated miscellaneous track works
Patna - Bihar
Contract Value :
4.67 Crore |Agency Name :
Ircon International Limited
29Extension, Widening and Raising of Existing Low/Rail Level Platform to High Level Provision of New PF Sheds, Low Height sheds etc and other passenger amenities works at Desari and Chaksikandar Stations of Sonepur Division
Patna - Bihar
Contract Value :
7.19 Crore |Agency Name :
Ircon International Limited