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1071 Prov LWSS to PC habitation in G.P. Chowai and Shilli in C V Manjadesh in Anni Block Distt Kullu H P SH CO Sump Well cum Storage tank 2Nos 97000Ltrs Each CO Sedimentation Tank 1No CO Filter Bed 1No and Chlorination Chamber No
1072 Modernisation Upgradation of existing Sewerage treatment plant 1.34 MLD at Nagrota Bagwan in Tehsil Nagrota Bagwan Distt Kangra HP Sub head Construction of Tertiary treatment plant
1073 Augmentation of LWSS Chail Chowk in G.P. Chail Chowk Tehsil Chachiot Distt. Mandi HPSH Laying jointing and testing GI pipe with MS flanges and laying jointing testing GI pipe SS in Syphon portion from point B-F J-JJ7-J21 J25-26 B-E
1074 AR MO Sewerage Scheme Sundernagar Town SH Operation repair Maintenance of STP of 3.55 MLD at Chandpur Sundernagar Distribution network 70.00 KM. for a period of One year.
1075 Providing LWSS to NCPC habitation Jabal Saroa, Kutachi and adjoining villages in Tehsil Chachiot Distt. Mandi SH Supply and errection of pumping machinery with its allied accessories for Ist and 2nd stage, Providing Laying, jointing and testi
1076 PLWSS to NCPC habitation of Village Jabal, Saroa, Kutachi and adjoining villages in GP Shalla, Noun, Chhamyar etc. in Tehsil Chachiot Distt. Mandi SH Const RCC storage tanks 9000 ltrs. cap.1No 5000 ltrs. 6Nos 7000 ltrs. capacity 1No
1077 Providing Sewerage scheme / facility in newly settled abadi in Sh. Naina Devi Ji (Town) in Tehsil Sh. Naina Devi Ji District Bilaspur
TRN : 520976 |  Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 23.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for providing sewerage scheme / facility in newly settled abadi in sh. naina devi ji (town) in tehsil sh. naina devi ji district bilaspur
1078 const 2 Nos OHSR 15000 Adhwani and Dol Adhwani
TRN : 519727 |  Hamirpur - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 19.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for const 2 nos ohsr 15000 adhwani and dol adhwani
1079 Repair and mantinance of Swan River Management and Integrated land Development Project Phase 1st in Distt. Una HP
TRN : 525297 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.95 Crore | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for repair and mantinance of swan river management and integrated land development project phase 1st in distt. una hp
1080 Const of OHSR 15000 litres capacity
TRN : 519728 |  Hamirpur - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 19.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for const of ohsr 15000 litres capacity

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