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11 Preventive Routine and Breakdown type Annual Maintenance work 132/33 kV Grid Sub Station Madhupur for the Financial Year 2019-20
TRN : 666088 |  Deoghar - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 11.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for preventive routine and breakdown type annual maintenance work 132/33 kv grid sub station madhupur for the financial year 2019-20
12 Preventive, Routine and Breakdown type Annual Maintenance work at GSS Deoghar
TRN : 666092 |  Deoghar - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 13.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for preventive, routine and breakdown type annual maintenance work at gss deoghar
13 For over hauling cum leakage arresting of 50 MVA NGEF make bearing sl. no. 68J0000123 Power Transformer No 2 at GSS Adityapur I.
TRN : 657446 |  Adityapur - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 10.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for for over hauling cum leakage arresting of 50 mva ngef make bearing sl. no. 68j0000123 power transformer no 2 at gss adityapur i.
14 For repairing of badly rusted tower legs and cleaning of soil deposited tower leg for safety of tower in 132 kV Jadugoda Golmuri Transmission line under TSD Jadugoda
15 For repairing of badly rusted tower legs and cleaning of soil deposited tower leg for safety of tower in 132 kV Golmuri Chandil Transmission line under GSS Golmuri
16 Carrying out Patrolling Routine/ Breakdown/ Shutdown maintenance work of Transmission line under Transmission Sub Division, Jamtara for the F. Y. 2019-20
17 Carrying out Patrolling Routine/ Breakdown/ Shutdown maintenance
TRN : 654356 |  Deoghar - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 6.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for carrying out patrolling routine/ breakdown/ shutdown maintenance
18 Carrying out Patrolling, Routine/Breakdown Line Maintenance of Transmission line under Transmission Sub-division Japla w.e.f.
TRN : 647653 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 18.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for carrying out patrolling, routine/breakdown line maintenance of transmission line under transmission sub-division japla w.e.f.
19 Carrying out Patrolling, Routine/Breakdown Line Maintenance of Transmission line under Transmission Sub-division Garhwa Road w.e.f.
TRN : 647654 |  Garhwa - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 19.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for carrying out patrolling, routine/breakdown line maintenance of transmission line under transmission sub-division garhwa road w.e.f.
20 Carrying out Patrolling, Routine/Breakdown Line Maintenance of Transmission line under Transmission Sub-division Latehar w.e.f.
TRN : 647655 |  Latehar - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 27.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for carrying out patrolling, routine/breakdown line maintenance of transmission line under transmission sub-division latehar w.e.f.

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