You have searched for kerala-water-authority in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1671 StatePlan 2018-19-RWSS to Pudussery Supply and errection of Centrifugal motor pumpset having a discharge of 44 lps 130m head at PIF plant 3.5mld Pudussery
1672 Deposit work of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation - Project No 911/18 - Pipe line extension from Pananvila Jn to Chempakassey lane in Powdikonam ward
1673 Hiring 1 No. 2013 or latest model Motor cabs (minimum 5 seat Taxi Permit) for the use of Project Division, Adoor for a period of one year.
1674 Deposit work kumili gramapanchayath laying distribution line
TRN : 536297 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 84.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work kumili gramapanchayath laying distribution line
1675 TSP-2018-19-Pipeline extension and providing water connections to 71 houses at Ambedkar Tribal colony in Muthalamada Gramapanchayat
1676 Deposit work of Tvpm. Corporation water supply line extension to Muslim colony road Kovalam Beach in harbour ward under Vandithadam section
1677 DEPOSIT WORK Kumily Grama Panchayath RWSS to Kumily Extension of pipe line to Community Hall road Ward12 in Kumily Grama panchayath
1678 DEPOSIT WORK Kumily Grama Panchayath RWSS to Kumily.Extension of pipe line to Community Hall road Ward12 in Kumily Grama panchayath
1679 ITDP- Deposit work - WSS to Kalathuvayal Ambalakunnu colony in Ambalavayal grama panchayat
TRN : 536289 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for itdp- deposit work - wss to kalathuvayal ambalakunnu colony in ambalavayal grama panchayat
1680 ITDP- Deposit work -Providing water connection to Pre - Metric hostel Karimkutty in Kottathara grama panchayat
TRN : 536290 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for itdp- deposit work -providing water connection to pre - metric hostel karimkutty in kottathara grama panchayat

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