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711 Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year in Andoorkonam, Pothencode and Kadinamkulam Panchayaths
712 RWSS to Vamanapuram - Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year in Vamanapuram Panchayath
713 RWSS to Pallikkal & Madavoor - Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
TRN : 728947 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.47 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rwss to pallikkal & madavoor - rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
714 CWSS to Vakkom - Anjengo - Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year in Chirayinkeezhu Panchayath
715 Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year in Kadakkavoor Panchayath
TRN : 728949 |  Attingal - Kerala
Contract Value : 11.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year in kadakkavoor panchayath
716 CWSS to Vettoor & Cherunniyoor, RWSS to Vettoor - Vilabhagam, Kattuvila, Valayantakughi, Palachira and Vennicode - Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
717 CWSS to Manamboor & Ottoor - Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
TRN : 728951 |  Attingal - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for cwss to manamboor & ottoor - rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
718 Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
TRN : 728952 |  Attingal - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
719 CWSS to Varkala Municipality - Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
TRN : 728953 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for cwss to varkala municipality - rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
720 Rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year
TRN : 728954 |  Attingal - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rectification of leakages / blockages of pipe line for a period of one year

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