82Construction of the Brick Masonry Covered Surface Drain under Storm Water Drainage System at Ward No.-1, 2, 24 Etc. in Sub-Basin-7 under Barrackpore Municipality (2nd call)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.04 Crore |Agency Name :
Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority
88Restoration of roads at different location near GU1-GU5 service road, Byepass side road of GD & GU Ramp, service road near GD14, Road below ambedkar bridge."
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
35.80 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority
89Repairing & Overhauling of VNC 170 LPS capacity Pumping sets, 7.5 H.P. Submersible-Pump motor set, Structural works for ladder, grille, joist etc. and other electrical works of sewage pumping station at Howrah sub way Complex
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
13.07 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority