375Procurement of spares required for overhauling of the 6.6kV 360KW Boiler circulating water (BCW) pump motors at Unit 5 1x500 MW SGTPS MPPGCL Birsinghpur
Birsinghpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.03 Crore |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
378Hiring of Bus capacity minimum 35 seater for Transportation of MPPGCL officers, employees between Shivariya colony to Bir, Mundi and weekly 1 trip from shivariya to khandwa, 2 trips from shivariya to Indore for 12 months max monthly run 4280km
Khandwa - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
17.16 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited