322Name of Work: Work of providing One No. Mobile Van for revenue realization for Puranpur Ruler Area’s ( for Non RAPDRP Area’s ) Under EE, EDD, Puranpur , Under EDC,
Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
8.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
323For Work of Repairing of damaged Ashida Make Relay set (1 set equals to 03 Nos Relay with Housing) installed at 33/11 KV S/s Rithora and Kandharpur under EDC, Bareilly.
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.98 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
324For Work of Repairing of damaged Ashida Make Relay set (1 set equals to 03 Nos Relay with Housing) installed at 33/11 KV S/s Izzatnagar and Nakatia under EDC, Bareilly.
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.98 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
325Supply to Shri Ghanshyam S/o Shri Chote lal at Mathurapur , C.B. Ganj, Bareilly to 100 KW/LMV-1(Multi Point), enhancing Load from 54 KVA To 160 KVA of M/s manglam Foods (P) Ltd. ,C-8/2, Industrial Area , Parsakhera and giving supply 27 HP to Shri Shri Vijay Gupta S/o Gupta Industries, road No.01 Industrial Area, Parsakhera , Under EUDD-II Bareilly Under Deposit Fund 2018-19.
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.85 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
326replacement of damage 33 KV 3x300 XLP Cable of Ramleela Ground Feeder near 132 KVA Rooppur Kamalu S/s for removing of 33 KV Cable fault (Near Mandir and Main Gate) under EDD-Pilibhit
Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.88 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
328Hiring of 01 no. Diesel operated Vehicle with driver with maintenance for Revenue Cash Collection Under, Electricity Urban Distribution Division-III
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
329Providing Computer Operator alongwith individual Computer, UPS & Printer for official work in the office of EUSD-V & EUSD-VI, Bareilly under EUDD-III,Bareilly
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited