11054Spl rep to Bldg No P-206 and Provision of two wheeler parking shed at residential complex of CSD Depot & covered trg shed at trg area for jungle survival trg of 154 Inf Bn (TA) Bihar at Brichgunj Mil Stn
Port Blair - Andaman And Nicobar Islands
Contract Value :
44.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
11058Spl repair for improvement of LT distribution system and other connected work at Jhanger Base and provn of security light with allied infra for inf Bn at Kalsian base under AOR of AGE E/M GE 862 EWS
Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value :
27.50 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
11060Outsourcing for conservancy and housekeeping services for offices and installations of CWE Udhampur, GE (S) Udhampur, GE (N) Udhampur and GE (U) Udhampur at Udhampur Cantt
Udhampur - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value :
28.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services