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1171 Developing Various roads at ward no.32.
TRN : 854675 |  Pimpri - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 37.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for developing various roads at ward no.32.
1172 Rough cost Estimate for Prov and Inst. of 40 HP Deep Straight bore tubewell at Maharana Partap Nagar in Ward No. 11 (against failed tubewell) (GQ).
1173 Providing furniture work at H Zone office at Kasarwadi in ward No.30
TRN : 854676 |  Pimpri - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing furniture work at h zone office at kasarwadi in ward no.30
1174 Estimate for Prov/Inst. of 40 HP Deep Straight Bore Tubewell at Ahluwalia Colony in Ward No. 24and25 (against failed t/well).
1175 Providing civil work and internal, external painting for Gym in PCMC building, Hosptial at Dapodi, Phugewadi in ward No.30
1176 Providing and Installation of 40 HP deep straight bore t/well at Kabir Road in ward No. 20 (against failed t/well).
TRN : 854897 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing and installation of 40 hp deep straight bore t/well at kabir road in ward no. 20 (against failed t/well).
1177 Providing Furniture work and other work at H Zone Office at Kasarwadi in Ward No.30
TRN : 854678 |  Pimpri - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing furniture work and other work at h zone office at kasarwadi in ward no.30
1178 Prov/Inst. of 40 HP deep straight bore tubewell at MIG Flat Sec-32, Samrala Chowk in Ward No. 17 (against failed tubewell).
1179 Providing civil work at Kasarwadi Londhe Chwal and surrounding area in ward no.20.
TRN : 854679 |  Pimpri - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 22.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing civil work at kasarwadi londhe chwal and surrounding area in ward no.20.
1180 R/C estimate for construction for public toilets in Park no. 15, Ph-7
TRN : 854903 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for r/c estimate for construction for public toilets in park no. 15, ph-7

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