2742Laying of S.W pipe of size 250mm i/d and construction of manhole all other works at House No. 585 to main line in sector-57, ward No.29, Zone-IV under Municipal Corporation Gurugram.
Gurgaon - Haryana
Contract Value :
1.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2744Risk and Cost against M/s Jagjeet Singh Sethi for the balance work of Providing Illumintation from Govt. School main road to community center and Chakkerpur village Bandh under limit of MCG
Gurgaon - Haryana
Contract Value :
21.41 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2745Providing un-used tyres into Beatififul design on road side, pindi tile work to pindi and repair of drain with cover slab at Sri -Nagar in Ward No. 32
Brahmapur - Orissa
Contract Value :
12.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2746Door to Door Collection and Segregations at sources and secondary segregations and transportation (For One Year) of all kind of collected Garbage sold waste upto disposal/landfill site decided by M.C. Bawal
Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value :
97.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation