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3741 Construction of Boundarywall and Other work at Rameshwar Mandir in ward no 22
TRN : 725407 |  Ujjain - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 11.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of boundarywall and other work at rameshwar mandir in ward no 22
3742 Maintenance of ward no. 62
TRN : 724218 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for maintenance of ward no. 62
TRN : 725409 |  Ujjain - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for 90 watt l.e.d light installation in ward 21
3744 construction of Hut and renovation of park near Sh. Ramchand Memorial School. (KVC Children Park), U.E. Ph-I.
TRN : 724219 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of hut and renovation of park near sh. ramchand memorial school. (kvc children park), u.e. ph-i.
3745 Arrangements of Flex And Hoardings
TRN : 725414 |  Ujjain - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for arrangements of flex and hoardings
3746 Restoration of PSPCL trench on Salempur Musalmana road with providing and laying of GSB,WBM,DBM and BC.
TRN : 724220 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 83.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for restoration of pspcl trench on salempur musalmana road with providing and laying of gsb,wbm,dbm and bc.
3747 Hiring of 6 Tipper(10Tyres vehicleTipper-2516 and above) with 2 nos of JCB (3DX) fully equipped GPS with One driver and One helper for Lifting of Municipal Solid Waste on Basis of Tipping Fees.
3748 Augmentation of Water Supply Pipeline Project at Jalandhar Town Package 1B Zone 1,3 and 4 under AMRUT
TRN : 724244 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 6.82 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for augmentation of water supply pipeline project at jalandhar town package 1b zone 1,3 and 4 under amrut
3749 Operation and Maintenance of 50 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant (SBR Technology) and 1 no Main Pumping Station at Basti Peer Dad, Jalandhar, i.e. O and M of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Horticulture for five years
3750 Collection Segrigation and Transportation of Solid Waste from 12 Smart Bins and 1 Compactor to Dumping Site
TRN : 724246 |  Phagwara - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.05 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for collection segrigation and transportation of solid waste from 12 smart bins and 1 compactor to dumping site

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