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4691 Providing/laying of I.P.B. 100mm thick on berm of road from Govt. Primary School to pond in Village Kailash, Ward No. 1, M.C. Karnal.
4692 Construction of C.C. Flooring and Drain at Vill. Ramaua Near Govt. Primary and Middle School Ward No. 61 File No. 560/19x3/6
TRN : 708162 |  Gwalior - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of c.c. flooring and drain at vill. ramaua near govt. primary and middle school ward no. 61 file no. 560/19x3/6
4693 Providing/laying of PVC pipe for disposal of dirty water from pond to disposal point in Village Katabagh/ Suraj Nagar, Ward No. 4/5, M.C. Karnal.
4694 Development of Existing Park in Nursi Village in front of H. No 122 in ward no. 2, MC, Karnal
TRN : 682693 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for development of existing park in nursi village in front of h. no 122 in ward no. 2, mc, karnal
4695 Laying of storm water line/ construction of I.P.B. in various streets of Katabagh, Ward No. 5, M.C. Karnal.
4696 Construction of C.C. Road and Drain Work at Ramtapura reti Fatak, Ward No. 14
TRN : 708172 |  Gwalior - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 11.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of c.c. road and drain work at ramtapura reti fatak, ward no. 14
4697 Laying of storm water line/ construction of I.P.B. in School streets of Katabagh, Ward No. 5, M.C. Karnal.
4698 Raising of Existing IPB and P/L new IPB on street and Construction of Strom water drain From H no. 508 to 560 in Saini colony ward no 11 under M.C karnal
4699 Construction of Revenue Raasta from Old GT road to Baldi Village under pass in Ward No. 1, M.C. Karnal.
4700 Construction of C.C. Road at Musalman Wali Gali and Laying of Hume Pipe, Shivaji Colony, Ward No. 15
TRN : 708173 |  Gwalior - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of c.c. road at musalman wali gali and laying of hume pipe, shivaji colony, ward no. 15

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