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5321 Repairing of C C Road at Passage of Nasir Seth Masjid Indira Colony B Sector Ward 40 Zone 11
TRN : 716551 |  Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 89.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repairing of c c road at passage of nasir seth masjid indira colony b sector ward 40 zone 11
5322 Project No.436/2019-20 Improvement works to road from Dr. Renjith aposs house to Gowri Nambiar aposs house in
TRN : 699822 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for project no.436/2019-20 improvement works to road from dr. renjith aposs house to gowri nambiar aposs house in
5323 Road retarring from Muzhathadam first cross road to Thulasi veedu in Kasanakotta division Project No.369/2019-20.
5324 Road retarring from Musthfa corner Branch road and from Mannantavide road to railwaygate in Kasanakkotta division Project No.384/2019-20.
5325 Construction of new road from Purushothamans house to Kilari road with concrete footpath in Ayikkara division Project No 390/20.
5326 Construction of new road and tarring near Thalikkavu puthiya bhagavathi kshethram in Thalikkavu division
TRN : 699842 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.85 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of new road and tarring near thalikkavu puthiya bhagavathi kshethram in thalikkavu division
5327 Road re-tarring from Hanumankovil - Thalikkavu-Kuzhikkunnu road(0/000 - 0/650) in Thalikkavu division ProjecNo.447/2019-20.
5328 Improement in side shoulder at Cidco road in ward no.22 Under Mayor Fund
TRN : 699875 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for improement in side shoulder at cidco road in ward no.22 under mayor fund
5329 Construction of WBM and CC road from Mamudh Bhai to h/o Sayerabaji Ajim to Rasheed and Yusuf to Babalu in Prabhag No. 14 A Mominpra in NWCMC Nanded
5330 Project No.1297/20 - Improvements and construction of drain from Padmini aposs house to Kuniyilpalam Junction in Payyambalam division

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