5773Shifting of underground utilities{SH: Remaining portion of O.H.R} for construction of 800 cum RCC elevated service reservoir for augmentation of water supply scheme of Bhatpara Municipality under AMRUT
Bhatpara - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.29 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
5774Providing and installing structural tin shade shops for vegetable sellers of Tarodekar Market in front of an Ayurvedic College Footpath in NWCMC Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
5778Construction of Cc road in front of Datta Mandir in Shivnagar Prabhag No. 09 NWCMC Nanded and Supplying installation of Point wiring for light, fan, bell at Prabhag No 10 infront of Dattamandir Sabhagraha NWCMC area Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
3.30 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
5779Procurement and Installation of Face Based Biometric Machine for attendance of Conservancy Mazdoors up to the level of Conservancy Overseers in 144 Nos. of Ward Office of SWM Department & all Garages of SWM Department of KMC.
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
62.26 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation