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5831 Improvement of Road (From Play Ground) Towards Mundapada (At. Ranibandh) W.No.20, Sambalpur
TRN : 682880 |  Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value : 11.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for improvement of road (from play ground) towards mundapada (at. ranibandh), sambalpur
5832 Beautification and C.C.Drain in P.No.1. Jagdhane to Ingle
TRN : 680223 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.04 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beautification and c.c.drain in jagdhane to ingle
5833 Beutification Of Green Road (Near Service Road) In Ward No. 19 C
TRN : 679646 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.78 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beutification of green road (near service road) in ward no. 19 c
5834 Beautification and BT road C.C.Drain in P.No.1. Bulbule to Dyaneshwer Academy
TRN : 680224 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 25.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beautification and bt road c.c.drain in bulbule to dyaneshwer academy
5835 Beautification and BT road C.C.Drain in P.No.1. Limbekar to Bhutda to Bhujbal
TRN : 680225 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beautification and bt road c.c.drain in limbekar to bhutda to bhujbal
5836 Beautification and B.T.Road in P.No.9. Dr.Qadri to Khole
TRN : 680226 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beautification and b.t.road in dr.qadri to khole
5837 Beautification and BT road C.C.Drain in P.No.1. Manoharrao Deshmukh to Swami Smarth
TRN : 680227 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beautification and bt road c.c.drain in manoharrao deshmukh to swami smarth
5838 Beautification and BT road C.C.Drain in P.No.1. Golegoankar to Chaya
TRN : 680228 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 33.48 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for beautification and bt road c.c.drain in golegoankar to chaya
5839 KOLLAM CORPORATION pw10/131/19 pro no 1262/19 div 31 randam number punthalathazham road side interlocking
TRN : 680702 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 18.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for kollam corporation pw10/131/19 pro no 1262/19 div 31 randam number punthalathazham road side interlocking
5840 Removal of refuse disposal 2490 M3 approx from S R Dutta Sarani trenching ground to Baidyabati trenching plant Supply necessary all tools plank and other equipments

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