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8431 Sinking of Deep Tube well
TRN : 556696 |  Coochbehar - West Bengal
Contract Value : 35.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for sinking of deep tube well
8432 Sinking of Deep Tube well
TRN : 556697 |  Coochbehar - West Bengal
Contract Value : 35.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for sinking of deep tube well
8433 Sinking of Deep Tube well
TRN : 556698 |  Coochbehar - West Bengal
Contract Value : 35.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for sinking of deep tube well
8434 Supplying and laying OF 150 mm. dia.D.I. Pipe line and inter connection a tA.T.Ghosh Road,R.B.C.Road junction to ice Factory ward No-8 all Complete.
8435 Const. of CT/PT Cummunity Toilet (Male 2 Seat Female 2 Seats Urinal 2, Kothi Pandita W.No. 47,Qilla W.No. 48, Daro Salam, Ward No. 48, Bahadar Lahri W.No. 50, Malikpur W.No. 1, Sarna W.No. 48, Buda Nagar W.No. 49, Ward No. 27,28 near chakki khad or
8436 Const. of CT/PT Public Toilet (Male 2 Seat Female 2 Seats Urinal 2 at Khanpur, Guru Nanak Park Model Town, Cummunity Toilet, at Bedi Bajri Co. Ward No. 20, Bharoli Kalan, Ward No. 46, Bharoli Khurd Ward No. 49, Dehriwal Ward No. 47, Laddo Chakk ward
8437 Laying of new tubewell alongwith motor in Rehrwan W.No. 18
TRN : 555633 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 4.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for laying of new tubewell alongwith motor in rehrwan 18
8438 Engagement of 65 No. part tme Safai Sewak unskilled for new colonies area on outsource basis M.C.Ptk.
TRN : 555635 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 20.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for engagement of 65 no. part tme safai sewak unskilled for new colonies area on outsource basis m.c.ptk.
8439 Engagement of 90 No. part time sweeper karamchari helper unskilled in M.C.Ptk on outsource basis
TRN : 555636 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 27.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for engagement of 90 no. part time sweeper karamchari helper unskilled in m.c.ptk on outsource basis
8440 Engagement of Data entry operator-cum-Office Assistant on out source basis
TRN : 555637 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for engagement of data entry operator-cum-office assistant on out source basis

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