8752Construction of Drain at Khudiram nagar rom Gopal Sen to High Drain and Repairing of Drain at Satyajitpally, near Kalu Shaw Shop within Ward No-15 under DMC
Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
8753Construction of Concrete Roads from Rahmat Rousan Anjuman Club to Shree Ram Road Carrier and 01 nos. of Culvert near Unique Traders at Nainnagar A Block within Ward No-14 under DMC
Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.89 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
8755Priced Schedule for Widening of Paver Block Road including one R.C.C.Culvert From H/O:-Ganendra Sarkar to H/O:-Naresh Karmakar near Ceaser School in Ward No:-7 under Mal Municipality.
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.09 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation