3014Empanelment of Skill Training Providers STP for Employment through Skill Training and Placement EST and P Component of MP DAY SULM in Municipal Council Nagda
Nagda - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
62.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Council
3016GROUP NO 8
P/L interlock tiles at Middha Bhawan Street , Ward No. 10 17.75 Lacs Const. of Drain Type-2 from Bahal Dass Nagar to Manjeet Singh Meeta Street, Ward No. 11 4.35 Lacs
Total 22.10 Lacs
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
22.10 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Council
3018GROUP NO 18
P/L Interlock tile at Ward No. 27, Street No. 6, Guru Reaper Street 21.00 Lacs P/L interlock tiles at Krishan Dham Ashram Street, Ward No. 21 1.15 Lacs Const. of Rooms for sitting and Benches for sitting at Water works Park 2.00 Lacs
Total 24.15 Lacs
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
24.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Council