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2611 Construction of protection wall for soil conservation near net boundary of Rahania Park under 14th F.C Grant (2018-19)
2612 Construction of CC road from Kishore Munda house towards Jagulai Chhak in Ward No.2 under 14th F.C Grant (2018-19)
2613 Construction of CC road from Gayadhar Panda house to Nirmal Mohanty house back side wall in Ward No.10 under M.V Tax Grant (2017-18)
2614 Completion of boundary wall and site development at DRDA back side Smasan in Ward No.9 under 14th F.C Grant (2017-18)
2615 Construction of CC road from Adivasi Colony towards Surendra Jati house and Bansidhar Panda house in Ward No.2 under Maint. of Roads and Bridges Grant (2018-19)
2616 Imp. of BT road from Sanjay Naik house to N.H. 18 in Ward No.26
TRN : 562456 |  Baripada - Orissa
Contract Value : 89.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for imp. of bt road from sanjay naik house to n.h. 18 in ward no.26
2617 Construction of Drain with cover slab from Barabhuyan Mandir chhaka to Santanu Satpathy house in Ward No.8
2618 Construction of Cement Concrete Road at Tegharipara from the House of Bhavesh Saha upto the House of Surajit Bhattacharjee, Ward No 19.
2619 Construction of Cement Concrete Road at Tegharipara from the House of Bhavesh Saha upto the House of Surajit Bhattacharjee, Ward No 19.
2620 Construction of Cement Concrete Road at Tegharipara from the House of Bhavesh Saha upto the House of Surajit Bhattacharjee, Ward No 19.

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