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611 Pullapra Thekke Road Reformation and Retarring (Div 10) in Ramanattukara Municipality Plan 330/2019-20.
612 Poonattil thazham kandarithazham Road Reformation and Patch work in Ramanattukara Municipality Plan 93/2019-20.
613 kulangarapadam -Eledath Thazham Road Reformation and retarring div 27 In Ramanattukara Municiplaity
TRN : 768904 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for kulangarapadam -eledath thazham road reformation and retarring div 27 in ramanattukara municiplaity
614 Menangacheri Road Reformation and Retarring in Ramanattukara Municipality Plan 338/2019-20.
TRN : 768905 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for menangacheri road reformation and retarring in ramanattukara municipality plan 338/2019-20.
615 Poolakal Perinjiri Road Reformation and Retarring (div 9) in Ramanattukara Municipality Plan 327/2019-20.
616 Kuniyath Pachiri Road Reformation (Division 25) in Ramanattukara Municipality plan 304/2019-20.
TRN : 768907 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for kuniyath pachiri road reformation (division 25) in ramanattukara municipality plan 304/2019-20.
617 Reformation and Retaring Ward 17, Palakkal Paramb Laksham Veed Colony Road, Plan 2019-20. (Pr.No.287)
TRN : 768908 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for reformation and retaring ward 17, palakkal paramb laksham veed colony road, plan 2019-20. (
618 Concrete In Ramanattukara Municipality, Banglavu Paramb yatheemkhana road Plan 284/19-20.
TRN : 768909 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for concrete in ramanattukara municipality, banglavu paramb yatheemkhana road plan 284/19-20.
619 Reformation And Patch work (Div 24) In Ramanattukara Municipality, Poonattil thazham Road Plan 95 /2019-20.
620 Reformation And Patch work (Division 21) in Ramanattukara municipality Melekarathodi Road Plan 135/2019/20.

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