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641 O and M , Upkeeping of Guest House
TRN : 662485 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 48.77 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for o and m , upkeeping of guest house
642 Construction of a Library Building at Aimol Village at Loktak
TRN : 666554 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 11.91 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of a library building at aimol village at loktak
643 Construction of a Library Building at Aimol Village at Loktak
TRN : 666555 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 11.91 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of a library building at aimol village at loktak
644 Purchase of Advanced Digital Rebound Rock Schmidt (Type-N) Hammer for non-destructive testing of rocks for Parbati HE Project (Stage-II)(Package No. PROC-1786)
TRN : 665747 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for purchase of advanced digital rebound rock schmidt (type-n) hammer for non-destructive testing of rocks for parbati he project (stage-ii)(package no. proc-1786)
645 Collection, carriage and disposal of solid wastes from Leimatak colony and Jeevan Nagar Premises
TRN : 662484 |  Bishenupur - Manipur
Contract Value : 2.21 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for collection, carriage and disposal of solid wastes from leimatak colony and jeevan nagar premises
646 R and M of Mechanical System of TLD-III Power Station
TRN : 659729 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 53.64 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for r and m of mechanical system of tld-iii power station
647 Designing and Printing of Annual Report 2018-19 of NHPC Limited
TRN : 659730 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.72 Crore | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for designing and printing of annual report 2018-19 of nhpc limited
648 Water Proofing Treatment of Roof for Saili Road Colony, Pathankot
TRN : 659764 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.47 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for water proofing treatment of roof for saili road colony, pathankot
649 Service Contract for Running and Maintenance of Non-Executive Field Hostel at Sector-A, TLD-III PS, Rambi
TRN : 657104 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 14.92 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for service contract for running and maintenance of non-executive field hostel at sector-a, tld-iii ps, rambi
650 Service Contract for Running and Maintenance of Canteen adjacent to administrative building at Sector-C, TLD-III PS, Rambi
TRN : 657106 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 6.45 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for service contract for running and maintenance of canteen adjacent to administrative building at sector-c, tld-iii ps, rambi

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