2612Repair and maintenance of 250 mm dia M.S. Pipeline (inside lining and outside coating) from Singrauli to Gorbi for carrying IWSS water to gorbi project for 2 years.
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
26.60 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
2616Repairing of Final Drive Inspection Cover LHS and RHS of PH1900AL Shovel Sr.No 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 on labour charge basis working at Nigahi Project.
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.02 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
2617Repairing of rollers and roller cage, realignment of rails, rollers, welding of cleats etc. repairing and replacing damaged studs of track frame, major cracks in ring gear of PH01 on labour charge basis at Nigahi Project.
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
14.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited