332Supply of Materials for Constructing of Underground Gutter at Ganeshpur Tal Chalisgaon, Constructing of Samajmandir at Ganeshpur Tal Chalisgaon and Providing Pipeline at Ganeshpur Tal Chalisgaon Dist Jalgaon
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.59 Lacs |Agency Name :
Panchayat Samiti
333Supply of Materials for Constructing of Cement Concrete Road house of Shri Devidas Kale to Baban Aling and Constructing of Cement Concrete Road house of Shri Tulshiram Aling to Ravindra Jadhav at Junone Tal Chalisgaon Dist Jalgaon.
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.59 Lacs |Agency Name :
Panchayat Samiti