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1561 Construction of Cement Concrete Road from Pundlik Awchars House to Rawsaheb Manges House At Pedgaonwadi Tq Dist
TRN : 787429 |  Hingoli - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of cement concrete road from pundlik awchars house to rawsaheb manges house at pedgaonwadi tq dist
1562 Providing Fixing Paving Blocks from Shrirangs House to Vishnu Kniram Aades House At. Pedgaon Tq Dist
TRN : 787430 |  Hingoli - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing fixing paving blocks from shrirangs house to vishnu kniram aades house at. pedgaon tq dist
1563 Construction of Cement Concrete Road from Annas House to Sham Dhule to Balu Rathods House to Arun Waghmares Houe At. Nandusa Tq Dist
1564 Construction of Cement Concrete Road from Ramrao Maske to Sahebrao Solankes House At Sayala Tq Dist
TRN : 787432 |  Hingoli - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of cement concrete road from ramrao maske to sahebrao solankes house at sayala tq dist
1565 Construction of Cement Concrete Road from Ramesh Giris House to Datta Giris house At Hiwara Bel Tq. Kalamnuri Dist
TRN : 787433 |  Hingoli - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of cement concrete road from ramesh giris house to datta giris house at hiwara bel tq. kalamnuri dist
1566 Construction of CC Road at Village Kharwad Tq Kalamnuri Dist (MP)
TRN : 787434 |  Hingoli - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of cc road at village kharwad tq kalamnuri dist (mp)
1567 Consultancy services for Geotechnical Investigation and Structured Design for Construction of Fly over on Con. ser for Geo. Inv. and Struc. Design for Math Kudal Sonawade Shivdav Road SH 179 Ghat Km 51/050 to 54/480 Cons. of Ghat Road and Major Bridg
1568 Interlock Paving at Kalmandapam Junction Km 140/500 and of NH 966
TRN : 787297 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for interlock paving at kalmandapam junction km 140/500 and of nh 966
1569 Urgent maintenance and other connected works in Government Press Kakkanad,
TRN : 787298 |  Ernakulam - Kerala
Contract Value : 67.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent maintenance and other connected works in government press kakkanad,
1570 GAVC TVPM Renovation of Geriatric care center four rooms in Panchakarma hospital compound Poojappura TVPM
TRN : 787299 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 13.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for gavc tvpm renovation of geriatric care center four rooms in panchakarma hospital compound poojappura tvpm

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