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161 Improvement of Balance portion of Nagarik Path at Chandan Nagar under S.O.P.D (G) for the year 2021-22 under Dispur Territorial Road Division
162 Kerala Raj Bhavan R M C Urgent rectification works to water supply sanitary and sewer line work other petty repair works of various Quarters in Raj Bhavan campus for a period of six months from the date of agreement (first half of 2022)
163 Emergent work to Jodhpur Park Women's Polytechnic, Kolkata – Sinking of one no deep tube well of size 100mm x 200mm diameter and 150m. Deep by Rig boring system either by reverse circulation or by direct rotary method for the year 2022-23.
164 GENERAL Kerala Raj Bhavan Additional works to the extended portion of Kitchen in Governors Block
TRN : 863042 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for general kerala raj bhavan additional works to the extended portion of kitchen in governors block
165 Special repair to EI in various AB-HWCs under Electrical Sub Division PWD Karnal (Dacher, Gonder-I, Gonder-II, Bastali, Jaisinghpura, Rahra, Aungad, Kohand).
166 GENERAL-Improvements to Feroke Chungam-Chandakkadavu Road-Improvements to Feroke Chungam-Chandakkadavu Road in Kozhikode District
167 Providing and laying Annual Surfacing (Periodic Maintenance) on Link road to village Rora Km 0/0 to 1/0 under performance based Financial Incentive 2019-20 (during the year 2020-21) of PMGSY roads in the state of HP
168 GENERAL-Improvements to Feroke Petta - Choorakkad road-Improvements to Feroke Petta -Choorakkad road-General Civil Work
TRN : 863044 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.71 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for general-improvements to feroke petta - choorakkad road-improvements to feroke petta -choorakkad road-general civil work
169 Special repair to EI in various AB-HWCs under Electrical Sub Division PWD Karnal (Samora, Taprainkalan, Khanpur, Shamgarh, Takhana, Bhaini Khurd, Kurak, Sultanpur).
170 Budget 2019 20 Balance works to Thudiyanmala Kodasseri road between Km 0 000 to 2 900 in Manjeri LAC
TRN : 863045 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.58 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for budget 2019 20 balance works to thudiyanmala kodasseri road between km 0 000 to 2 900 in manjeri lac

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