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28711 Repair work and maintenance work of Assistant Engineer Quarter at Islampur under Uttar Dinajpur Division, P.W.D., during 2018-19.
28712 Repair and Renovation work of Nurses Hostel at Islampur Sub-Divisional Hospital of Uttar Dinajpur District under Uttar Dinajpur Division, PWD during the year 2018-2019. (Civil Part)
28713 Structural repair works for staff quarter number 1, 2, 36, 31, 30, 29, 57, 60, common toilet and different types of godown at 6/1, R.C. Place under S.G.E./W.B. during the year 2018-19.
28714 Thorough roof treatment work for the Official residence of Additional Chief Secretary to the Governor at 5/2 R. C. Place, east side building roof at 6/1, R.C. Place and east side building roof at 1, R.C. Place
28715 Providing new air conditioner units in server room, malayalam library hall, material science lab of Physics dept. and replacement of damaged batteries of UPS in server room at University college, Tvpm- SITC of Air conditioner (Re-tender)
28716 Job 4 Annual Surfacing Una Basoli Road SH C.O link road from Una Pirnigah Road Phalakari to Shamshanghat , P.L Patch work, 25mm thick, SDBC km. 0-0 to 1-0 HP-1205-VR0002 Under State Head
28717 Urgent Repair works to Karuvelil Kannattumoodu(Iravunkara Riots) Road Ch 0/000 to 3/200
TRN : 534417 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent repair works to karuvelil kannattumoodu(iravunkara riots) road ch 0/000 to 3/200
28718 Urgent Strip BT to S Mukku Valliad Kottapally Thiruvallur road km 0/000 to 4/000
TRN : 556104 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent strip bt to s mukku valliad kottapally thiruvallur road km 0/000 to 4/000
28719 92/SECCA/2018-19 NABARD RIDF XXI Pulakkattukara Bridge across Mannali River in Thrissur Dist
TRN : 543691 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.54 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for 92/secca/2018-19 nabard ridf xxi pulakkattukara bridge across mannali river in thrissur dist
28720 Repair and renovation of the office chamber of ADG & IGP Enforcement Branch, WB within the compound of Bhabani Bhaban, 27 during the year 2018-2019

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