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28861 2018-19 Restoration work to connativity to washed off approach road to Bridge Rajapuram end at Km. 4/950 of Murikkassery Rajapuram Keerthode road
28862 Sweeping,Cleaning & Guarding arrangement the inside and outside of the Joramandir Sub-way on K.N.I. Avenue. & maintenance of two nos. Fountain at Joramandir over Kolkata flank on KNI Avenue including operating of Pump, regular maintenance of electrical work & maintenance of Garden related to Fountains associated area on KNI Avenue (VIP Road) under Baguiati Highway Sub-Division of Barasat Highway Division No.I
28863 restoration work at breached and washed off portion for connativity at murikkassery Rajapuram Keerithode road Km. 4/050 to 4/500d
28864 Urgent BT patch repairs and protective works in pooppara Kumbappara road Km. 4/500 to 7/900
TRN : 533345 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 21.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent bt patch repairs and protective works in pooppara kumbappara road km. 4/500 to 7/900
28865 Urgent repa works to Krishnapuram Kavalam road from Ch 1/600 to 3/500
TRN : 533346 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 20.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent repa works to krishnapuram kavalam road from ch 1/600 to 3/500
28866 Urgent protection work and construction of Culvert at km.5/050 of Karimban Murikkassery road
TRN : 533347 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 22.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent protection work and construction of culvert at km.5/050 of karimban murikkassery road
28867 Group maintenance of Sanitary & Plumbing works for 2018-19 in the different Hospital Buildings of R.G. Kar Medical College Hospital under the jurisdiction of Section-II of R.G. Kar Hospital Sub-Division under Kolkata North Health Division. (S & P Works) (Phase-II) "
28868 Urgent patch repairs using bit BC between km. 103/500 to 116/800
TRN : 533186 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 29.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent patch repairs using bit bc between km. 103/500 to 116/800
28869 A/R and M/O to various roads under Sub Division-II of Division South Road-II, PWD during 2018-19. (SH_ Fixing of Signage Boards). (2nd Call)
28870 Urgent patch repairs using bit BC between km 177/500 to 185/000
TRN : 533187 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 29.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for urgent patch repairs using bit bc between km 177/500 to 185/000

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