32405Supply Testing and Commissioning of 02 no Hydraulic Rock Breaker attachments for Hydraulic Excavator of JCB model JS 205 one each for Mechanical Division Rajouri and Mechanical Division Khellani Doda along with Consumables
Jammu - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value :
27.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32406O/R 2018-19 Premonsoon work - Clearing chocked up culverts, cutting dangerous trees or branches of trees, urgent stray pot hole filling etc in various Roads under Roads section Laha
Kasargode - Kerala
Contract Value :
4.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32407Construction of Boundary wall at Headwork site of ground water based piped water supply scheme of Gayeshpur-I,Goalpur-I & Gobindapur-I under Nadia Arsenic Division-I,P.H.E. Dte.
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
41.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32408Construction of Boundary wall at Headwork site of ground water based piped water supply scheme of Muragachha-I &II under Nadia Arsenic Division-I,P.H.E. Dte.
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
26.97 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32410Construction of 8 storied Nursing School with provision of 8 storied foundation within the campus of IPGMER - S.S.K.M. Hospital, Kolkata -- SITC of Air Conditioning System. ( Job No. SS / OW / 06 of 2015-16)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
24.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department