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32461 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Charmoktarpur Velanagar Ferry service, Vill.+P.O.- Charmoktarpur in the District of Nadia (Sl. 05) (3rd Call)
32462 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Durlavpur Natunpara and Rajapur Ferryghat (Mahishmari), Vill.- Durlavpur Natunpara, P.O.- Nadia Sundarpur, PIN- 741122 in the District of Nadia (Sl. 08) (3rd Call)
32463 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Fazilnagar Amtala Ghat Ferry service, Vill.+P.O.- Fazilnagar in the District of Nadia (Sl. 04) (3rd Call)
32464 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Garaimari Durlavpur Ferry service, Vill.- Durlavpur, P.O.- Nadia Sundalpur, PIN- 741122 in the District of Nadia (Sl. 06) (3rd Call)
32465 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Doghachi Ghat Ferry service, Vill.+P.O.- Paschim Dogachi in the District of Nadia (Sl. 03) (3rd Call)
32466 Repairing Mahisbathan - Natidanga - Nazirpur Road from 0.00 Kmp to 11.203 Kmp by pot-holes, patching pot-holes, profile corrective course, 20mm thick mix Seal Surfacing under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 18 under DLP of original Tender 37 / ND-I of 2013 - 14 by S.E. / S.H.C. No.-II, P.W.(Roads) Directorate executed by Modhusudan Garai, Krishnagar, Nadia (Sl. 01) (2nd Call)
32467 Fire Fighting arrangements in the College of Medicine & JNM Hospital and Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia. [Civil Scheme) during the year 2017-'18.
32468 Emergent Road side flank protection with bamboo walling from 29.00 Kmp to 30.00 Kmp and 32.00 Kmp to 33.00 Kmp of Krishnagar - Karimpur - Jalangi Road (S.H.-11) during the year 2017 - 18 under Nadia Division, P.W.D. (Sl. 02) (2nd Call)
32469 Const of Pengkha canal
TRN : 537845 |  Kokarajhar - Assam
Contract Value : 29.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for const of pengkha canal
32470 Repairing work of Karimpur - Natidanga - Nazirpur road from 19.00 Kmp to 21.30 Kmp (in stretches) under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Sl. 01)

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