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32781 Construction of Protection Wall on Shriwardhan Lonera Road SH-99 at Inguldoh, Taluka Mhasala, District Raigad. (Km. 2/600 to 32/00)
32782 C.R. to Tudil Bhelishi Mandangad Road MDR-66 km 0/00 to 0/800, 2/00 to 3/00, and 4/900 to 6/600 Taluka Mahad District Raigad (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
32783 C.R. to Mandad Tala Indapur Nijampur Pachad Mahad Visapur Dapoli Raod SH 97 (Part Karanjadi Latwan) Km. 92/00 to 96/400, 109/00 to 113/00 (0/00 to 4/00, 17/00 to 21/00) Taluka Mahad. Distric Raigad (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
32784 CR to Bordi Thane Ulwa Rewas Reddi Road MSH-4 km 322/850 to 327/850, 330/00 to 333/00, 334/00 to 339/850, 343/00 to 348/500, Taluka Shriwardhan, Dist. Raigad. (Pot hole filling by Semi Grout)
32785 CR to Bordi Thane Ulwa Rewas Reddi Road MSH-4 km 322/850 to 327/850, 330/00 to 333/00, 334/00 to 339/850, 343/00 to 348/500, Taluka Shriwardhan, Dist. Raigad. (Pot hole filling by Semi Grout)
32786 C.R. to Mandad Tala Indapur Pansai Bhinad Nijampur Pachad Raigad S.H.97 Km 27/200 to 29/400and 34/200 to 36/400 and 40/400 to 55/00 (Filling pot hole by metal and Asphalt) Tal. Mangaon. Dist. Raigad.
32787 Improvements to Achaler Belamb Kothali Road, MDR-37, Km 69/00 to 72/00, (Khasgi Village to SH-239), Tq. Omerga, Dist. Osmanabad
TRN : 502463 |  Osmanabad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 65.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvements to achaler belamb kothali road, mdr-37, km 69/00 to 72/00, (khasgi village to sh-239), tq. omerga, dist. osmanabad
32788 Improvements to Wagholi Kajala Bhandarwadi to SH-239, Km 16/00 to 19/00 (Actual Length Km. 15/00 to 19/00) (Part Arani to Jagji) Tq. and Dist.Osmanabad (Use of Waste Plastic in OGC)
32789 Construction of Indoor Auditorium for Cultural Programme at Kullu District Kullu HP SH Providing EI therein
TRN : 599474 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 62.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of indoor auditorium for cultural programme at kullu district kullu hp sh providing ei therein
32790 Revised working estimate for the Construction of Primary Health Centre building at Cholangarh in Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt.Mandi (HP) (SH:- Construction of building portion, WS & SI Site development and rain Harvesting tank)

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