32782C.R. to Tudil Bhelishi Mandangad Road MDR-66 km 0/00 to 0/800, 2/00 to 3/00, and 4/900 to 6/600 Taluka Mahad District Raigad (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
3.97 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32783C.R. to Mandad Tala Indapur Nijampur Pachad Mahad Visapur Dapoli Raod SH 97 (Part Karanjadi Latwan) Km. 92/00 to 96/400, 109/00 to 113/00 (0/00 to 4/00, 17/00 to 21/00) Taluka Mahad. Distric Raigad (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.93 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32784CR to Bordi Thane Ulwa Rewas Reddi Road MSH-4 km 322/850 to 327/850, 330/00 to 333/00, 334/00 to 339/850, 343/00 to 348/500, Taluka Shriwardhan, Dist. Raigad. (Pot hole filling by Semi Grout)
Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
19.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32785CR to Bordi Thane Ulwa Rewas Reddi Road MSH-4 km 322/850 to 327/850, 330/00 to 333/00, 334/00 to 339/850, 343/00 to 348/500, Taluka Shriwardhan, Dist. Raigad. (Pot hole filling by Semi Grout)
Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
19.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32786C.R. to Mandad Tala Indapur Pansai Bhinad Nijampur Pachad Raigad S.H.97 Km 27/200 to 29/400and 34/200 to 36/400 and 40/400 to 55/00 (Filling pot hole by metal and Asphalt) Tal. Mangaon. Dist. Raigad.
Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
18.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32788Improvements to Wagholi Kajala Bhandarwadi to SH-239, Km 16/00 to 19/00 (Actual Length Km. 15/00 to 19/00) (Part Arani to Jagji) Tq. and Dist.Osmanabad (Use of Waste Plastic in OGC)
Osmanabad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
65.39 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
32790Revised working estimate for the Construction of Primary Health Centre building at Cholangarh in Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt.Mandi (HP) (SH:- Construction of building portion, WS & SI Site development and rain Harvesting tank)
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
89.97 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department