3314Construction of “W” Metal Beam Crash Barrier at Moukhali to Bagirhat Pole Road in different stretches in between 0.00 kmp to 3.845 kmp in the District of South 24 Parganas, under South 24 Parganas Division during the year 2019-2020 .
South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value :
19.36 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
3318Construction of “W” Metal beam crash barrier at Amtala-Charial Road in different stretches in the District of South 24-Parganas under South 24-Parganas Division,P.W.D, during the year 2019-20
South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value :
12.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department