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4621 SR 2019-20 Construction of drain and allied works to SE corner of Aerodrome via Kuravanpalam road
TRN : 828528 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for sr 2019-20 construction of drain and allied works to se corner of aerodrome via kuravanpalam road
4622 AMP for the year 2020-21 on Sandhapattan Bharol Bagora Hard Ropri Kalang Traimbli Drubbal Charong Banwar KOTLI KUN KA TAR MANDONKHAR BHARGAON KOTLI ROAD DRRP NO. HP0810MDR057
4623 SR 2019-20 Providing side protection works and crash barrier to Karamcode Bahrain Junction road near Appooppankavu temple
4624 Periodic Maintenance of Ahju to Gunehar Road DRRP No. HP0403VR0032 Inventive 2019-20 (SH: Providing and Laying tack coat and 25mm thick bitumenious concrete in Km 2/0 to 3/0).
4625 Repairing and Patching Pot-holes and Surfacing Work from Dangapara More to Jagigram (4.70 KM.) under Berhampore Division No.-I, during the year 2020- 2021.
4626 Periodic Maintenance of link road village Lambahar DRRP No. HP403VR00 (Under AMP 2019-20 RR) (SH: Providing and Laying G-II for profile correction, premix coat tack coat & 2cm thick carpet with seal coat in Km 0/0 to 0/300 and 0/800 to 1/0)
4627 Soil Investigation work for the Reconstruction of Kandakkadavu Bridge at Pandikkudy -Chellanam Road in Ernakulam District.
4628 Periodical Maintenance of road from Alampur-Dehru-Shakoh-Talwar-Kaluhi-Lambagaon-Jaisinghpur-Dalu-Khalta-Harsipattan Road under AMP 2019-20 MDR101) (SH- Providing and laying 30mm thick Bitumen concrete i/c profile correction laying with paver finisher in Km 23/0 to 24/0)
4629 Periodical Maintenance of road from Alampur Dehru Shakoh Talwar Kaluhi Lambagaon Jaisinghpur Dalu Khalta Harsipattan Road under AMP 2019-20 MDR101
4630 Periodical Maintenance of Haler Nagpuri road under financial incentive 2018-19 PMGSY
TRN : 829129 |  Kangra - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for periodical maintenance of haler nagpuri road under financial incentive 2018-19 pmgsy

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