6487Balance work under Nabard-XXIII of Construction /strengthening of link road Dehlan to Dyalan mohalla and RTO Barrier to Jakhera Gameshah via abadi Arohi km. 0-0 to 5-500 Under Nabard Sub Head P.L WMM, cement concrete in km. 3-400 to 4-0
Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
12.11 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
6489LAC-ADS 2019-20. Construction of approach road to Pattathil Bappu Haji Memorial Thavanur Government college in Thavanur LAC in Malappuram District.
Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value :
58.03 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department