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9221 Construction of Cement Concrete wearing coat at sardar valabh bhai patel ward.
TRN : 741432 |  Khandwa - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of cement concrete wearing coat at sardar valabh bhai patel ward.
9222 Construction of Road From Tandulwadi Main Road Towards Fort and Waterfall at Tandulwadi Taluka-Palghar District-Palghar.
TRN : 740738 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of road from tandulwadi main road towards fort and waterfall at tandulwadi taluka-palghar district-palghar.
9223 Providing and Installing High Mast for Area light At Dist. Jail Alirajpur Dist. Alirajpur
TRN : 741445 |  Alirajpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing and installing high mast for area light at dist. jail alirajpur dist. alirajpur
9224 Renovation and upgradation of geography and psychology Department of Vasantrao Naik Institute of Arts and Social Science Nagpur.
9225 Renovation and modernization of independent hall (Recreation Hall) at Vasantrao Naik Institute of Arts and Social Science Nagpur.
9226 Annual maintenance and Repairs To Police Station at Sitabuldi, Dhantoli, Ajani, Sakkardhara and Sonegaon, Nagpur . (2ND CALL)
9227 Annual maintenance and Repairs To Police Training Center at Nagpur. (2nd Call)
TRN : 740742 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 99.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for annual maintenance and repairs to police training center at nagpur. (2nd call)
9228 2059 Annual Repairs to 32 Constable Quarter at Palghar Under P.W. Sub Division No-1, Palghar Tal - Palghar Dist - Palghar.
TRN : 740743 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for 2059 annual repairs to 32 constable quarter at palghar under p.w. sub division no-1, palghar tal - palghar dist - palghar.
9229 Providing renovation to electrical installation affected due to civil renovation work for building no 27, Police quarters, Sir Pochkhanvala Road, Worli, Mumbai-30 3628/2019-20.
9230 Repair work of N.L Khan Road from Chainage 0.30 to 1.15 K.M and Chainage 4.60 to 5.60 K.M (In Stretches) with W.B.M, Repairing pot-holes, Profile Corrective Course, 20mm P.C. & Seal coat (Type-B) in the district of Paschim Medinipur, during the financial year 2019-20.

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