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41 Setting up lighting at Navene Samavistha Undri (Government or Semi-Government vendor registration required)
TRN : 862301 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 18.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Municipal Corporation
Tender award for setting up lighting at navene samavistha undri (government or semi-government vendor registration required)
42 Lighting arrangement at newly arranged Dhairi Vadhav Hadd.(Government or semi-government vendor registration required)
TRN : 862302 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Municipal Corporation
Tender award for lighting arrangement at newly arranged dhairi vadhav hadd.(government or semi-government vendor registration required)
43 Road widening obstruction at Chandni Chowk Karnya H.T. va L.T. Overhead lane undergrounding. (Government or semi-government registration required)
44 Pune Municipal Corporation Kamala Nehru Hospital Prabhag kr.16 madhe I.C.U. To do this, run the air conditioner with proof, installation and success.
45 Parimandal Kr.5 Repairing of pump motor in internal municipal buildings or settlements. (MNPa atti shithil)
TRN : 862305 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Municipal Corporation
Tender award for parimandal kr.5 repairing of pump motor in internal municipal buildings or settlements. (mnpa atti shithil)
46 Pune Municipal Corporation Vidhisha Emirati, Milakati within the working area of Parimandal Kr.1.
TRN : 862306 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Municipal Corporation
Tender award for pune municipal corporation vidhisha emirati, milakati within the working area of parimandal kr.1.
47 Repair of air-conditioning system of various theaters, Savitribai Phule Cultural Bhavan, Balasaheb Thackeray Kaladalan and other places as specified by Pune Municipal Corporation. (MNPA)
48 Under the office of the Municipal Assistant Commissioner, Kondhwa Yevalewadi, Q.No. 38 Midday pavsali janya purvine and to do the work related to the repair. (Tender No. 35)
49 Municipal Assistant Commissioner Office Kondhwa Yevlewadi under PR. K.R. 38 to 600 mm of rainwater to reduce the temperature.
50 Municipal Assistant Commissioner Office Kondhwa Yevlewadi Internal Prof. Pavement repair in kr 41 to carry out specific work.

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