You have searched for punjab-health-systems-corporation in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Providing and Installation of Fire Fighting and Fire Detection System in SDH Khanna District Ludhiana
TRN : 753475 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 40.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for providing and installation of fire fighting and fire detection system in sdh khanna district ludhiana
12 Providing and Installation of Fire Fighting and Fire Detection System in SDH Raikot District Ludhiana
TRN : 753476 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 51.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for providing and installation of fire fighting and fire detection system in sdh raikot district ludhiana
13 Providing and Installation of Medical Gas Pipe Line System at SDH Nangal
TRN : 732938 |  Nangal - Punjab
Contract Value : 56.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for providing and installation of medical gas pipe line system at sdh nangal
14 Construction of Urban Dispensary in Patel Nagar at Abohar
TRN : 732939 |  Nangal - Punjab
Contract Value : 45.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for construction of urban dispensary in patel nagar at abohar
15 Security and Sanitation Services
TRN : 579401 |  Amritsar - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for security and sanitation services
16 Balance Work for construction of New PHC Mullanpur District Ludhiana
TRN : 506139 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.03 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for balance work for construction of new phc mullanpur district ludhiana
17 Balance Work for construction of 30 Bedded MCH building at SDH Nakodar District Jalandhar
TRN : 506140 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 4.80 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Health Systems Corporation
Tender award for balance work for construction of 30 bedded mch building at sdh nakodar district jalandhar

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