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111 Special Repair of Roads and Parking at back side of head office building Punjab Mandi Board Sector 65A SAS Nagar Distt SAS Nagar WC 2019 048
112 Periodic Renewal of PMGSY ROAD Dhianpur to APK road Package No PB-0644 Block Fatehgarh Churian
TRN : 706647 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.71 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Mandi Board
Tender award for periodic renewal of pmgsy road dhianpur to apk road package no pb-0644 block fatehgarh churian
113 Up gradation/Widening of L/R Bachiwind to Mullah Road to Odhar (10 to 16 feet Wide), Assembly Constituency Rajasansi, MC Attari, Distt. Amritsar.
114 DNIT for Providing Yard lighting with LED Lighting System in New Auction Platform and Repair of Existing Lighting System and Providing Tower Lighting System in Purchase Centre Bhagike Saddoke Gajjiana Dina Sahib and Himatpura M.C.Nihal Singh wala
115 Prov YL System in AY and Parking Area in NGM Wiring and Lighting Arangement in Steel Tubular Cover Shed at Mandi Sultanpur Loadhi, Prov. Tower Lighting System in Sub yard Bahroana, Repairing to Tower Lighting System in Various SY MC Sultanpur Lodhi.
116 Const. and Repair for Parking at NGM Nihal Singh Wala, Const. pf PC Himatpura, Patto Hira Singh and Raunta 750 Crore Project of Mandis M.C Nihal Singh Wala
117 Const. of Boundary wall at NGM Moga front Side Ferozepur road and Moga Zira road W1 and Providing and Fixing of Steel gate and Renovation of Check Posts.
118 Repair of NGM Moga Ferozepur road Gate No 1 and Gate No 2 to Moga Zira road In side M.C office Near 7.50 Marla Housing Main Platform along with boundary wall Toori Mandi, Timber Mandi Near Bhag Cenema and Construction of benches around tre
119 Const. of D.B Flooring, Repair of Parking and Construction of Around Tree Banches at N.G.M Kot Ise Khan, M.C Kot Ise Khan
120 Cleaning of Fruit and vegetable market Rampura Phul year 2018-19
TRN : 729864 |  Bathinda - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Mandi Board
Tender award for cleaning of fruit and vegetable market rampura phul year 2018-19

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