You have searched for punjab-state-transmission-corporation-limited in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Cleaning, sweeping and washing of toilets, lifting of garbage from various locations maintaining electrical,water supply and sanitary system, repair of doors/windows and painting at Shakti Sadan and other offices at PSTCL Patiala for 2019-20.
TRN : 613151 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 7.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited
Tender award for appointment of consultants
13 Construction of Transformer Plinth and allied foundations for addl. 2nd 100 MVA T/F, security hut and parking shed at 220 KV S/S Maur.
TRN : 560232 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 28.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of transformer plinth and allied foundations for addl. 2nd 100 mva t/f, security hut and parking shed at 220 kv s/s maur.

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