1033GROUP II-Fabrication, erection and hook-up of Benfield Regenerator heating line, 6 NB SCH 40 and 2 NB SCH 80 CS pipe lines from 05 Area battery limit up to Benfield Re-Boilers (E-302 A/B) in 03 Area of Ammonia-V Plant at RCF Ltd. Trombay Unit
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
2.91 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
1034(Group-I)- Fabrication, erection and hook-up of Benfield Regenerator heating line, 6 NB SCH 40 and 2 NB SCH 80 CS pipe lines from 05 Area battery limit up to Benfield Re-Boilers (E-302 A/B) in 03 Area of Ammonia-V Plant at RCF Ltd. Trombay Unit
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
2.62 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
1038Removal / Shifting of Cooler /De-dusting exhauster from ANP Granulation Section and its installation in Reaction Section of Suphala Plant at RCF, Trombay Unit
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
7.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited