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TRN : 517343 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 30.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for supply of machining items
TRN : 517344 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 67.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for supply of general tools
1903 supply of MCC panel
TRN : 517345 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for supply of mcc panel
1904 HPNA E030 Intercooler testing and tube bundle replacement job in HPNAP RCF Trombay Unit.
TRN : 517020 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for hpna e030 intercooler testing and tube bundle replacement job in hpnap rcf trombay unit.
1905 Attending the glass piping leakages job in CNA plant at RCF, Trombay Unit.
TRN : 517021 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for attending the glass piping leakages job in cna plant at rcf, trombay unit.
1906 Shifting of spare HP Carbamate Condenser from Urea plant to Expansion yard and unloading of new pressure vessels in Urea plant at Trombay Unit
TRN : 517022 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for shifting of spare hp carbamate condenser from urea plant to expansion yard and unloading of new pressure vessels in urea plant at trombay unit
TRN : 517023 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for supply of binding wire.
1908 Pneumatic Testing of Heat exchangers in MPNAP at RCF trombay unit
TRN : 517024 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for pneumatic testing of heat exchangers in mpnap at rcf trombay unit
1909 Technical advisory services of M/s BHEL, Hyderabad for trouble shooting and miscellaneous maintenance jobs on BHEL make Turbines and Compressors in Ammonia-V Plant of RCF Ltd, Trombay unit.
1910 Shifting, testing, Replacement of E-04 Exchanger in Medium Pressure Nitric Acid Plant at RCF Trombay unit
TRN : 517026 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for shifting, testing, replacement of e-04 exchanger in medium pressure nitric acid plant at rcf trombay unit

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