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2081 Improvement of Old Cuttack Ganjam road (portion from Kateni Square to Chhatabara Square) from 17/288 Km to 24/000 Km under CRDP
TRN : 527532 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.51 Crore | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for improvement of old cuttack ganjam road (portion from kateni square to chhatabara square) from 17/288 km to 24/000 km under crdp
2082 Provision of illumination of ROB at L.C. No.211 in between Rourkela-Panposh Section at Ch.416 13-15 Under State Plan
TRN : 526750 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 31.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for provision of illumination of rob at l.c. no.211 in between rourkela-panposh section at ch.416 13-15 under state plan
2083 Construction of ROB in Lieu of L.C.No.222 At Rajgangpur Yard At Railway Ch.442/13-15 in between Station Sonakhan-Kanshabahal in the District
2084 Construction of Multi Level Car Parking and Busterminus near, Nandankanan, Bhubaneswar
TRN : 526752 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 25.32 Crore | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of multi level car parking and busterminus near, nandankanan, bhubaneswar
2085 Construction of H.L. Bridge over Nakti Nallah including approach road at 10.000 K.m. on Bihabandha-Ramabahal road in the District of for the year 2016-17 under D.M.F. funding
2086 Construction of EVM and VVPAT Godown at Debendrapur, Baripada in the District of
TRN : 526754 |  Mayurbhanji - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.04 Crore | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of evm and vvpat godown at debendrapur, baripada in the district of
2087 Construction of VIP and VVIP Hospitality Lounge in A Block at Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneswar for the year 2018-19 Such as M.S. framed Structure, Facade, R.C.C. works and Electrical works Composite work.
2088 Improvement to Padampur Loisingha via Gaisilet Road(ODR)from 36/000Km to 37/000Km in the district of Balangir under State plan (Normal) for the year 2018-19
2089 (3) Renovation of left bank canal service road of Disty No.15 from RD.00 to RD.2.700Km and Disty No.15(A) from RD.00 to RD.2.700Km under RCER (2018-19) (Working RD Disty No.15 from RD.00 to RD.2.915 and for Disty No.15(A) from RD.00 to RD.2.368Km
2090 Construction of newly class room for Savitri Womens College at Bhanjanagar under RUSA grant (Ground floor)
TRN : 526283 |  Bhanjanagar - Orissa
Contract Value : 42.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of newly class room for savitri womens college at bhanjanagar under rusa grant (ground floor)

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