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2251 Improvement to inspection road of Belpunji Branch Canal from RD 3690m to 6229m of Manjore Irrigation Project.
TRN : 519064 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 71.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for improvement to inspection road of belpunji branch canal from rd 3690m to 6229m of manjore irrigation project.
2252 Improvement of road from NH-26 to Jagannath Mandir, Bhandisahi to SLN Medical College via Stadium at Koraput during the year 2018-19 under State Plan.
2253 Site development for the work Construction of 30 bedded Mother Child Hospital Complex at Pattamundai in the District of Kendrapara for the year 2018-19
2254 Construction of Compound wall of M.N.High School at Pattamundai for the year 2018-19
TRN : 518691 |  Kendrapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 7.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of compound wall of m.n.high school at pattamundai for the year 2018-19
2255 Improvement of road from NH-26 PHD Pump House chhawk to SLN Medical College via DNK Chawk from 0/0 to 1/300 Km at Koraput during the year 2018-19 under State Plan.
2256 Periodical Renewal to Badkera Maidharpur road from 0.0km to 0.200km, 0.500km to 2.500km, 3.0km to 4.500km, 6.0km to 8.0km and 9.0km to 10.0km for the year 2018-19
2257 S/R to RnB Road to Madhapur road from 0.160km to 0.637km for the year 2018-19
TRN : 522420 |  Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value : 37.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for s/r to rnb road to madhapur road from 0.160km to 0.637km for the year 2018-19
2258 Balance Work Of Improvement To Chorda-Duburi Road Such As Four Laning From 0.00km To 4.500km (New Alignment)
TRN : 518213 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.58 Crore | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for balance work of improvement to chorda-duburi road such as four laning from 0.00km to 4.500km (new alignment)
2259 SR to 40 nos ARC staff qr such as repair and painting to 4R qr (3 nos), 3R qrs (9 nos), 2RB qrs (12 nos), 2RA qrs (10 nos) and 2R qrs (6 nos) for the year 2018-19
2260 Construction of R.O.B with 10.5mtr carriageway width in lieu of L.C.NO. RBK-61 between Barajamda - Barbil Station of Rajkharswan -Barbil Sections

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