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551 M/R to Telkoi - Bimala - Petraghati - Raisuan - Kaliahata Road (such as maintenance from 5/00 to 10/00 Km.) for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
552 Upgradation of Bungachina-Algara-Basor MR
TRN : 767103 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 625 | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for upgradation of bungachina-algara-basor mr
553 M/R to Telkoi - Bimala - Petraghati - Raisuan - Kaliahata Road (such as maintenance and pothole repair from 0/00 to 5/00 Km., 10/00 Km. to 18/700 Km. and 21/00 Km. to 44/485 Km.) for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
554 Construction and Maimtenance (5 year) of Paniya To Reethakhal MR Upgaradation
TRN : 767104 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 710 | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction and maimtenance (5 year) of paniya to reethakhal mr upgaradation
555 Maintenance and pothole repair from 0/00 to 14/200 Km. on Jhumpura - Ukhunda Road under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) for the year 2019-20.
556 Construction of Narsinghdanda-Gureli Motor Road Km. 7 to Kanyura-Badpass Motor Road (Upgradation)
TRN : 767105 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 328 | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of narsinghdanda-gureli motor road km. 7 to kanyura-badpass motor road (upgradation)
557 Maintenance and pothole repair of Satakutunia - Baunsuli Road from 8/500 Km. to 12/00 Km. and white washing to trees and culvert parapets etc. From 0/00 Km. to 27/00 Km. under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) for the year 2019-20.
558 Construction of Sipti to Aamkaria Motor Road, Stage II
TRN : 767106 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 725 | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of sipti to aamkaria motor road, stage ii
559 Improvement of Bhawanipatna-Rayagada Road such as shifting electrical utilities HT and LT lines from 26.00 km to 37.400 km Keding to Pokharibandho chowk at Bhawanipatna in the District of Kalahandi.
560 Construction of Nauna Byasi Siltona Budhalakote MR Upgradation
TRN : 767107 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 664 | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of nauna byasi siltona budhalakote mr upgradation

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