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611 Special Repair to PWD Road (SH-30) to Dhanijapalli Road (ODR- Bellaguntha ULB) such as providing BM and SDBC from 0/456 to 1/100 km.
612 P/R to Kanteipalli-Sorada road (ODR) such as providing periodical renewal coat with BM, SDBC from 3/250 to 3/450 Km., and with SDBC from 2/500 to 3/250 and 3/450 to 4/500 Km.
613 Special Repair to Special Sub-Jail Staff Quarters at Bhanjanagar.
TRN : 758890 |  Bhanjanagar - Orissa
Contract Value : 10.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for special repair to special sub-jail staff quarters at bhanjanagar.
614 Special Repair to LBD Farm at Bhanjanagar such as repair and renovation of 3 Nos. Byres of B.B.R and B.M. Farm.
TRN : 758891 |  Bhanjanagar - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for special repair to lbd farm at bhanjanagar such as repair and renovation of 3 nos. byres of b.b.r and b.m. farm.
615 Construction of one Library Room and one multipurpose hall in first floor over the existing ground floor of Govt. Elementary Teacher Education Institution with main entrance gate at Bhanjanagar.
616 Construction of one Library Room and one multipurpose hall in first floor over the existing ground floor of Govt. Elementary Teacher Education Institution with main entrance gate at Bhanjanagar.
617 Special Repair to NJB Road (SH-21) such as construction of C.C. Drain from 74/840 to 75/000 (LHS), 74/822 to 75/000 km. (RHS) and providing RCC cover plate at required portion.
618 P/R to Kanteipalli-Sorada road (ODR) such as providing periodical renewal coat with SDBC from 0/000 to 2/500 and 4/500 to 5/600 Km
TRN : 758895 |  Bhanjanagar - Orissa
Contract Value : 40.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for p/r to kanteipalli-sorada road (odr) such as providing periodical renewal coat with sdbc from 0/000 to 2/500 and 4/500 to 5/600 km
619 PR to NJB Road (SH-21) such as providing renewal coat with SDBC from 49/350 to 49/420, 49/850 to 50/050, 50/8 to 51/0, 51/7 to 52/250, 53/5 to 53/9, 54/650 to 54/850, 56/8 to 57/0, 58/750 to 59/350, 59/650 to 59/850, 60/3 to 60/8 and 60/860 to 61/0km
620 Special Repair such as providing Paver Block to flank on Sashibhusan Chhaka to NH-59 road (Sorada ULB) between 0/000 to 0/816 km. except CC flank portions.

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