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5981 Improvement To Uti to Sawana Road VR 99 Length 5.00 Km in Km 0/650 to 1/650 Tq. Mahagaon Dist. Yavatmal
TRN : 632652 |  Yavatmal - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvement to uti to sawana road vr 99 length 5.00 km in km 0/650 to 1/650 tq. mahagaon dist. yavatmal
5982 RDKOL 58 Proposed Improvement of road (R D) from ODR 56 to Bhogulkarwadi from Km 0/000 to 1/200 (LR-36, VR-29)Taluka - Radhanagari District- Kolhapur
5983 STBT To Pandhura (Khu) Rampur Internal Road From Jyotiba Mandir To Hanuman Mandir Tq. Pusad Dist.Yavatmal.
TRN : 632654 |  Yavatmal - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for stbt to pandhura (khu) rampur internal road from jyotiba mandir to hanuman mandir tq. pusad dist.yavatmal.
5984 RDKOL-56 Upgradation and Maintenance Of Road From Parkhandale To Pimplewadi Road, (KM 0/000 to 1/650 Tal- Shahuwadi, Dist- Kolhapur
TRN : 643960 |  Kolhapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 77.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for rdkol-56 upgradation and maintenance of road from parkhandale to pimplewadi road, (km 0/000 to 1/650 tal- shahuwadi, dist- kolhapur
5985 Construction Of Ner Pimpalgaon Road VR 112 Length 2.00 Km 1/500 To 2/00 Tq.Ner Dist. Yavatmal.
TRN : 632655 |  Yavatmal - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of ner pimpalgaon road vr 112 length 2.00 km 1/500 to 2/00 tq.ner dist. yavatmal.
5986 RDKOL-31 Proposed Improvement of road (R and D) from SH-179 Kadgaon to Wasnoli Road(LR-81, ODR-115)from Km 0/00 to 3/800 , Taluka - Bhudargad District-Kolhapur
5987 Improvement To Nandgavhan Beldari Road ODR 189 Length 15.50 Km in Km 0/00 To 1/00 Tq. Mahagaon Dist. Yavatmal
TRN : 632656 |  Yavatmal - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvement to nandgavhan beldari road odr 189 length 15.50 km in km 0/00 to 1/00 tq. mahagaon dist. yavatmal
5988 RDKOL-30 Proposed Improvement of road (R and D) from SH 189 to Shindewadi ( LR 6 VR 10 ) (KM 0/000 to 2/400) Taluka - Bhudargad, Dist- Kolhapur.
5989 Improvement To Malwagad App Road VR 22 To Joint To Kali pokhari Pohandul SHW 38 Length 5.20 km in Km 0/00 To 1/00 Tq.Mahagaon Dist. Yavatmal
5990 RDKOL-55 Proposed Upgradation and Maintenance Of Road From SH -192 To Narande Vathar Tarf Vadgaon Road KM 0/000 to 1/550, Tal- Hatkanagale, Dist- Kolhapur.

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