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6191 Laying concreting road for internal Village road at Kothali, Tal.Shirol
TRN : 643451 |  Kolhapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for laying concreting road for internal village road at kothali, tal.shirol
6192 S.T.B.T. from MDR 34 Andur to Vilas Patil House Join Road At Andur, Tal.Gagan Bavada, Dist.Kolhapur
TRN : 643453 |  Kolhapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for s.t.b.t. from mdr 34 andur to vilas patil house join road at andur, tal.gagan bavada, dist.kolhapur
6193 ) Providing Pot hole filling to Ropale to Bhogewadi road V.R. 115 Km. 0/000 to 5/000, B) Providing Pot hole filling to Ropale to Mungashi (Loni Chowk) road O.D.R. 10, Km. 0/000 to 3/500, C) Repairs to Kave to Bhogewadi ODR 112 Km. 0/000 to 4/000, D)
6194 Providing Nandgaon Gosaviwadi Tal.Chiplun.
TRN : 686808 |  Ratnagiri - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing nandgaon gosaviwadi tal.chiplun.
6195 Improvement to Eat Sutgirani to Kalegaon Haveli Road VR-261 Km 0/00 to 2/00 Tq. Dist. Beed.
TRN : 632500 |  Beed - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvement to eat sutgirani to kalegaon haveli road vr-261 km 0/00 to 2/00 tq. dist. beed.
6196 Providing LED High Mast Light AtVillages. AtWagdari,At Shirwalwadi,At Kolegoan Kh AtKolibatTal Akkalkot ,Dist Solapur
TRN : 631090 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing led high mast light atvillages. atwagdari,at shirwalwadi,at kolegoan kh atkolibattal akkalkot ,dist solapur
6197 Improvement to Devi Nimgaon to Limbodi Road VR-42 Km 1/00 to 3/00 Tq. Ashti Dist. Beed.
TRN : 632501 |  Beed - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 31.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvement to devi nimgaon to limbodi road vr-42 km 1/00 to 3/00 tq. ashti dist. beed.
6198 Providing LED High Mast Light AtVillages. AtWagdari,At Shirwalwadi,At Kolegoan Kh AtKolibatTal Akkalkot ,Dist Solapur
TRN : 631091 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing led high mast light atvillages. atwagdari,at shirwalwadi,at kolegoan kh atkolibattal akkalkot ,dist solapur
6199 Repair of Road From Shedsinge to Pimpalner V.R. 30 ch 0/00 to 1/00 and 2/400 to 3/00 ,2)Repair of Bhogewadi to Kem Road V.R. No 12 at ch 0/00 to 2/00, 3)Repair of Chobepimpri to ropale Road v.R. No. 19 at ch 0/00 to 3/00, 4) Repair of Upalwate to
6200 A) Pot hole filling in B.T. Surface of Laul Shiral Ambad Road V.R. 37 Km. 2/000 to 5/500, B) Pot hole filling in B.T. Surface of Parite to Paritewadi Road O.D.R. 115 Km. 0/000 to 3/000, C) REPAIRS TO PARITE TO AHERGAON, O.D.R. NO. 19, CHAINAGE 0/00

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