6193) Providing Pot hole filling to Ropale to Bhogewadi road V.R. 115 Km. 0/000 to 5/000, B) Providing Pot hole filling to Ropale to Mungashi (Loni Chowk) road O.D.R. 10, Km. 0/000 to 3/500, C) Repairs to Kave to Bhogewadi ODR 112 Km. 0/000 to 4/000, D)
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
13.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
6199Repair of Road From Shedsinge to Pimpalner V.R. 30 ch 0/00 to 1/00 and 2/400 to 3/00 ,2)Repair of Bhogewadi to Kem Road V.R. No 12 at ch 0/00 to 2/00, 3)Repair of Chobepimpri to ropale Road v.R. No. 19 at ch 0/00 to 3/00, 4) Repair of Upalwate to
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
13.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
6200A) Pot hole filling in B.T. Surface of Laul Shiral Ambad Road V.R. 37 Km. 2/000 to 5/500, B) Pot hole filling in B.T. Surface of Parite to Paritewadi Road O.D.R. 115 Km. 0/000 to 3/000, C) REPAIRS TO PARITE TO AHERGAON, O.D.R. NO. 19, CHAINAGE 0/00
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
14.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department